About Us

So who are these Foust Girls anyway? We’re three sisters who share a love of tumbling, making things, and music. Our mom is making us blog this year as part of our schooling. This is the blog we share and then we’ll all have our own blogs as well.

First there’s Chloe:

Hi there!  I’m 15 years old.  I’m a tinkerer…compulsive tinkerer. I also have all kinds of collections–from books to coins and metal scraps.  If I can fit it in my pocket, I want it.  I love “smalls”.  I like to woodwork.  I’m learning to solder.  I crochet and read obsessively–all day long until I get caught and have to do my chores. :-(  I live with my Mom, my brother, my two sisters, and my Nana and an obnoxious cat in a big old house in Kentucky.  Ooh, I also love football and I play bass guitar.

Then Elle (pronounced EL LEE):

Hi!  I’m Elle.  I’m 13 years old.  I like to tumble, play on my iPhone, and I love everything about fashion.  I love my cat Connie, who is not obnoxious (stop it, Chloe!). I like to play with my friends and make cool stuff.  I’m currently decorating my bedroom in a zebra theme and hopefully y’all can see some pictures of all the cool stuff I’m going to find and make over the next few weeks.

And finally Victoria:

Hi.  I’m Vicca.  I’m 11 years old.  I love music and everything about it. Right now I mainly play guitar but I’m learning piano.  I like to write music.  I do gymnastics.  I love to find and restore guitars.  I don’t restore them to be reused yet.  Right now I just get them to the point where they can be wall hangings. I’m not super girly (compared to Elle anyway).  I have a pet American Toad and I love her so much.  Frogs are my favorite animal. Of all foods in the entire world, my favorite by far is barbecue ribs.

3 Responses so far.

  1. Gina says:

    Cool blog!

  2. sally says:

    The blog is cool

  3. Shaun Jelle says:

    Most etymologists believe that barbecue derives from the word barabicu found in the language of the Taíno people of the Caribbean and the Timucua of Florida, and entered European languages in the form barbacoa. The word translates as “sacred fire pit.”.

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